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Goat Varuval


Goat rump meat, cubes 1 kg

Chopped ingredients
Shallots 4
Garlic 3
Ginger 2 cm

Ground ingredients
Shallots 8
Garlic 2
Ginger 2 cm
Ingredients for frying
Curry leaves 3 sprigs
Cinnamon 2 cm
Star anise 2 pcs
Cloves 2 pcs
Cardamon 2 pcs

Meat curry powder 7 tablespoons
Dried chilli powder 1 tablespoon
Cooking oil 150 ml
Water 500 ml or more if necessary
Coconut milk 100 ml if preferred
Salt add to taste

Goat Varuval

1. Saute chopped ingredients in hot oil until brown. Add in ground ingredients and fry until aromatic. Add in goat meat and stir evenly.
2. Add ingredients A and stir well. Add water and allow to simmer until meat is tender. Add in coconut milk and salt according to taste. Simmer until meat is cooked and gravy is thick.
3. Serve with rice or bread.

Serves 4

Courtesy of Chef Ismail, Restoran Rebung. Chef Ismail co-own Restoran Rebung, specialized in kampong (village) food in a kampng setting.

Floating Market Bangkok
Thai Culinary Experience
Hong Kong Harbor
Asia's Gloden Triangle