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Using your ATM card overseas

Your bank ATM card is a good way to get foreign currency at favorable exchange rates.

By using an ATM card to obtain foreign currency you benefit from the wholesale rates available to banks. These are better than the rates offered by change bureaus, hotels and businesses that will accept foreign money.

More and more ATM machines that accept U.S. cards are being installed around the world. Links below take you to Web sites with listings of ATM locations by the two major ATM networks. In general, instructions on machines will be available in both the local language and in English.

Before going overseas, you should check with your bank to make sure that foreign ATM machines will take your card. Also, most ATMs outside the U.S. accept only four-digit numbers as PINs. If your PIN uses letters or has more than four digits, you should change it.

Most ATMs outside the U.S. do not allow transactions with multiple accounts. This means your transaction will be routed to your primary account.

The links below will help you use your ATM card outside the U.S.


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